Çarşamba, Mart 02, 2011

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Salı, Mart 01, 2011

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Free RSS reader / RSS platform for enterprise grade solutions | Feedreader.com

DevBlog: Update All Fields in Word Documents - A blog about software development

DevBlog: Update All Fields in Word Documents - A blog about software development

Update All Fields in Word Documents

Automatically update every field element (e.G., Table of Contents, Document Fields, Computed fields, etc.) in a Microsoft Word Document in one motion.

In the business analysis, tech-lead part of my job, I tend to create Word documents that can be used in a "template" way. For example, if I have revision numbers, dates, company names, document titles, etc., I'll create document fields and place them in the document instead of the actual value. This way, if I want to recycle the document for a different situation, I only need to modify a few key fields and update the document.

However, Word doesn't give you a way to update all the fields at once. You have to highlight the entire document and then update the various components separately. This includes visiting each set of headers and footers if you happened to use a field like a document title in them.

So, to make life easier for me, I created this little macro that will visit everything in the document and update it. Here's the source code:

Sub UpdateAllFields() Dim oStory As Range Dim oField As Field   For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges     For Each oField In oStory.Fields       oField.Update     Next oField   Next oStory End Sub

Just copy this snippet into your base, Normal.dot. Then, tie the macro to a button on a command bar and you have a one click "Update All" widget!

The next time you want to change something about a document, all you have to do is choose "File Properties", change the field on the custom tab, return to the document and click your snazzy "Update All" button. Presto, new document with different titles, customer names and numbers! With this macro, you'll be cranking out documents faster than anyone . . .

Pazartesi, Şubat 28, 2011

HowTo Create a read-only user (Solaris 10) - BigAdmin - wikis.sun.com

HowTo: Create a read-only user (Solaris 10)

HowTo: Create a read-only user (Solaris 10)

by Ross Moffatt, May 2010


readonlyshell c source and compiling
Directory setup and "/" mounting
User setup
About The Author


I have tried this on Solaris 10, both sparc and x86. I expect this would work on other versions of Solaris.


So, not sure how secure your system is, have "write other" permissions all over the place, or just would like to give a user read-only access and know they can't accidently fill up a file system. This article may be for you. There is one small compiled c program, readonlyshell, involved that you can easily compile yourself if you have installed cc or gcc, or email me for a copy.

Note: As the filesystem is read only, some commands won't work, such as vi that requires write access into /var/tmp to create a temporary file.
To setup read-only access I create a "new root" directory such are "/var/read-only". Under this directory I mount "/" under this directory as read-only. Sounds confusing, here is a diagram of the directory structure.
| | | |
var usr adm
/ (Note: this link is a read-only mount of /)
| | | |
var usr adm (Note: these directories are picked up even if they are separate mounted filesystems.)
(Note: no it doesn't get cyclic at this point)

So when a user logs in, instead of running a shell such as /sbin/sh, the compiled c program readonlyshell is run which has suid privileges. It changes the root directory for the user to "/var/readonly", sets a couple of shell variables and changes directory to the "/" directory, now "/var/readonly". Lastly it runs a bash shell.
The upshot of all this is a user logs in, they see the root directory and all below as a read-only filesystem.
Note: You may put a "root equivalent" user (UID 0) into this read-only filesystem, but it is very easy for a root user to break out.

readonlyshell c source and compiling

Check if you have cc or gcc installed to compile this c program. I'm not going to cover how to do his here.
Don't worry, you need no compiling experience to make this one work.
Note: There are no checks compiled into this program. So you need to ensure the directory permissions, userids, etc are as per this article.

To create the source file, just use your favorite editor to create a text file called readonlyshell.c

// readonlyshell // By Ross Moffatt 05/2010 // Libraries #include  // Type castes char *getlogin(void); // It all starts here int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   // Declare some variables   struct passwd *pd;   char *lgn;   // Get the passwd details for the logged in user   if ((lgn = getlogin()) == NULL || (pd = getpwnam(lgn)) == NULL) {     exit(1);   }   // Change directory to the "home directory"   // defined in the passwd file for this user   chdir(pd->pw_dir);   // Change what this user now sees as their root directory to   // the "home directory" defined in the passwd file for this user   chroot(pd->pw_dir);   // Set the UID and GID for the user, ensure root permissions are gone   setuid(pd->pw_uid);   setgid(pd->pw_gid);   // Change some environment variables to suit the new root directory   setenv("HOME","/");   setenv("SHELL","/usr/bin/bash");   unsetenv("MAIL");   // print out a message   printf("\nreadonlyshell by Ross 5/2010.\n\n");   // run a shell   system("/usr/bin/bash"); } 

To compile using gcc.

/usr/sfw/bin/gcc -s -o readonlyshell readonlyshell.c 

Copy compiled program into place and set ownership, root/root and permissions, suid, read and execute for all.
Copy readonlyshell to /sbin/readonlyshell

chown root:root /sbin/readonlyshell chmod 4555 /sbin/readonlyshell 

So now to check, ls -l /sbin/readonlyshell returns:

-r-sr-xr-x   1 root     root        6312 Apr 1 07:16 /sbin/readonlyshell 

Directory setup and "/" mounting

Create the read-only directory, eg. /var/readonly

mkdir /var/readonly chown root:root /var/readonly chmod 755 /var/readonly 

Mount "/" as read only to the read-only directory, eg. /var/readonly

/sbin/mount -o ro -F lofs / /readonly 

Edit /etc/vfstab, and add the mount command if you want this filesystem to mount after a reboot of the system.
eg. add the following line.

/       -       /var/readonly     lofs    -       yes     ro 

Now a df -k will show the newly mounted filesystem.

/                    15062276 4204136 10858140    28%    /var/readonly 

User setup

Here I am only going to show how to setup using files.
I'm sure NIS etc could be setup as well as the only difference my special shell, readonlyshell, been run.

Add the user to /etc/passwd choosing a large uid and gid and these are considered unprivileged users.
Remember to use the special readonlyshell in the "shell" field.

ross:x:10000:10000:Read only user:/var/readonly:/sbin/readonlyshell 

Add the user to /etc/shadow.


Add the user group.


Add a password for the user.

passwd ross New Password: 


Not much to do here, either it will work and you can login as the newly created user and look, but not write, or the login will fail.

You can of course change the shell to be run to, say, /bin/sh and check the logon credentials, etc, are correct.


In this article I have create a read only user. I have done this by mounting the "/" directory read only to a mount point lower in the filesystem. Created and compiled a "c" program that changes the root directory to this mount point and runs a shell. Finally I have detailed the user setup to run this "c" program so the user moves into the read-only filesystem.

About the Author

Ross Moffatt has been a UNIX system administrator for 10+ years and can be contacted at ross.stuff@telstra.com.


HowTo Create a read-only user (Solaris 10) - BigAdmin - wikis.sun.com

Salı, Şubat 15, 2011

top command in solaris:
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